- The Jabronis got onto the event floor just in time to walk around with the float and entourage with Northeast Philly's Dave Brunelli. It was our 30 seconds of freedom before getting herded in like cattle with all the frenzied media folk. Our view of the rubber doll "Pat" was quite good while it lasted. -photo by Joe Darrah
- 76ers coach Brett Brown, right, with Angelo Cataldi got a warm ovation from the capacity crowd. His coffee fueled him through the early-morning interview. Hopefully it was warm also. - photo by James "Jimmers" Margerum
- One of the more popular floats to enter the arena Friday morning featured an “aged” Phillie in Bobby Abreu. Time will tell if Abreu makes the club in 2014, but this gimmick will go down in Wing Bowl lore. - photo by Joe Darrah
- Jabroni Joe (left) was able to sneak in a few minutes with Eagles center Jason Kelce, who credited Chip Kelly’s “sports science” program in aiding him to get through the first round without getting sick and for beating a Cowboys fan contestant. - photo by James "Jimmers" Margerum
- The “Real American” of Wing Bowl 22 enters with his entourage. -photo by Joe Darrah
- Wing Bowl 22 champion Molly Schuyler eats won of her record 363 wings during the second round. - photo by James "Jimmers" Margerum
- Contestant Dallas Mike didn’t have much support in the bowels of the Wells Fargo Center prior to his Wing Bowl procession, which saw him pelted with plenty types of objects including possibly (gasp!) cups of alcoholic beer. - photo by Joe Darrah
- The students from Villanova University, in support of fellow student and Wing Bowl 22 eater Chicken Legs, might have been the most energetic college group in the crowd. - photo by Joe Darrah
- Playboy Playmate Val Keil makes a special entrance with some special confetti. - photo by James "Jimmers" Margerum
- Wing Bowl 22 champion Molly Schuyler receives her $22,000 prize check. We’re pretty sure she didn’t eat it. - photo by Joe Darrah
- St. Joe University’s Ginger Wings had a pretty heft entourage despite not winning the college challenge. - photo by Joe Darrah
- Anyone within a few feet of this guy was sweating out this swallow for sure. - photo by James "Jimmers" Margerum
- University of Pennsylvania cornerback Sebastian Jaskowski (right) took a few minutes with Jabroni Joe to talk about his Wing Bowl 22 experience, which included winning the car shown by claiming the college championship with 78 eaten wings. - photo by James "Jimmers" Margerum
- This “skeleton crew” of ladies takes a few photo opps in The Budda’s wing station. - photo by James "Jimmers" Margerum
- At least one member in the entourage for Skin and Bones was not in favor of a certain pop “star’s” deportation rumors. - photo by Joe Darrah
- We thought this contestant was going to lose his breakfast. He didn’t. Drat. - photo by James "Jimmers" Margerum
- The coronation for Wing Bowl 22 champion Molly Schuyler. - photo by Joe Darrah
- Skin and Bones enters with possibly more combined weight of tossed confetti on him than human anatomy. He went on to eat 104 wings in the contest. - photo by Joe Darrah
- South Philadelphia’s Giahna Mesoraca earned the title of Wingette of the Year 2014 and the bike she’s riding. – photo courtesy of David Malandra Jr., Philly Sports Live